A poster showing magnificent bird of paradise

Birds of paradise comprise a family of 44 species found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. This article provides concise information on where to see them and how to find local guides and lodging to meet your travel objectives.

According to Sir David Attenborough, Birds of Paradise are the most romantic and glamorous birds in the world. His acclaimed documentaries on these birds have inspired birdwatchers and wildlife photographers worldwide to embark on difficult journeys to West Papua and Papua New Guinea to see them in the wild. However, seeing these vibrant and mystical creations requires stepping outside of your comfort zone and using basic survival skills to cross natural and human barriers, particularly on the island of New Guinea.

Birds of Paradise:  Challanges

Unfriendly Tribes: Most Birds of Paradise locations are on forest land owned by various tribal groups, some of which are still hesitant to deal with outsiders, particularly in Papua New Guinea. The Bird of Paradise locations on the Indonesian side are generally very safe. However, some tribal communities on the island of New Guinea continue to oppose foreigners invading their culture.

 Nonetheless, more tribal communities are now aware of the value of Birds of Paradise tourism and have begun preventing their community members from killing them.
It’s better to go on a Birds of Paradise expedition with a reputable tour company or guide to ensure greater peace of mind and a chance to see more species. Local guides know where to look for the birds and can provide valuable insights into the local culture.

Lack of infrastructure and remoteness: Lack of proper infrastructure, including basic lodgings, the unpredictable occurrence of natural disasters, remoteness of Bird of Paradise locations, etc., makes organising a tour difficult for even local operators.

Malaria: All Bird of Paradise locations in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia are heavily prone to malaria. Taking malaria pills throughout the tour duration and avoiding mosquito bites as much as possible is essential.s

How many species of Birds of Paradise are there in the world?

Ornithologists have identified 44 different species of Birds of Paradise worldwide. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, with the King of Paradise being the smallest member at 15 cm and the crest-curled Manucode being the largest at 45 cm.

Where are the best places to see Birds of Paradise?

Attempting to see all 44 species of Birds of Paradise in the wild would be too ambitious and expensive. Many species are canopy dwellers, and it’s difficult to view them from the ground. It’s best to focus on species that can be seen up close and ground-displaying, such as Parrotia or Wilson’s Bird of Paradise.

Based on the above criteria and personal experience exploring these locations multiple times, the following destinations are recommended for a Birds of Paradise travel itinerary.


The Indonesian archipelago is endemic-rich and home to both the least and most colorful Birds of Paradise, i.e., the Standardwing Bird of Paradise and Wilson’s Bird of Paradise, respectively. Three locations in Indonesia are recommended:

1. Halmahera Island, Indonesia:

The Standardwing Bird of Paradise is unique to Halmahera Island and can be observed here.

Location Halmahera Island
Bird of Paradise
Standard Wing Bird of Paradise (Endemic)
Bird Site
Foli, Sidangoli, Aketajawe
How to reach?
Fly to Tenrate and take a speed boat to cross to Halmahera
Where to stay?
Local birding guide
Liham Jarajara, Esli Kakauhe
Tour company

2. Sorong, Rajah Ampat, and Waigeo Islands, Indonesia

The lowland forests of Sorong and Rajah Ampat Islands are two other popular destinations in Indonesia for seeing Birds of Paradise. To explore the lower-land forest sites around Sorong, fly to the city of Sorong. It is probably the best place to see 12 species of weird Bird of Paradise displaying. After completing your lower land expedition, travel to the Rajah Ampat Islands to locate Wilson’s Bird of Paradise.

If you are willing to live in basic conditions, I recommend visiting Waigeo Island to see Wilson’s Bird of Paradise.

Location Sorong, Rajah Ambat Islands, Wageio Islands
Bird of Paradise
12 Wired Bird of Paradise, Wilson’s Bird of Paradise, King Bird of Paradise, Red Bird of Paradise etc.
Bird Site
Sorong low land, Rajah Ambat and Wageio Islands.
How to reach?
Fly to Sorong by Makkassar. Visiting Rajah Ambat or Wageio is by speed boat or ferry.
Where to stay in Sorong?
Where to stay in Rajah Ambat?
Where to stay in Wageio?
Local guide
Benny Mabrassar (He can be reached through the Yenkanfkanes HomeStay)
Tour company

3. Arfak Mountains, West Papua, Indonesia

The Arfak Mountains, located a three-hour drive from Manokwari airport, are Indonesia’s best and a must-visit destination for seeing and photographing Birds of Paradise. Despite its remote location and lack of modern amenities, the Arfak forest has more to offer than any other Bird of Paradise location in Indonesia. You can see Western Parotia, Black Sickelbills, Manucodes, and Magnificent Bird of Paradise displaying from the comfort of bird hides in the Arfak Mountains.

Location Arfak Mountains
Bird of Paradise
Western Parotia, Magnificent Bird of Paradise, Black Sicklebill etc
How to reach?
3-4 hrs long 4X4 drive from the Manokwari airport.
Where to stay in Arfak
Lorikeet Lodge/ Jungle lodge
Local guide
Tour company


It is an independent country comprising the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and several neighbouring islands. Papua New Guinea is home to over 1000 tribes and 800 languages, making it a country with some of the world’s most unique cultures and practices. It is a must-visit destination before you die. PNG is also home to the largest number of species of Birds of Paradise. I recommend considering the four most prominent locations, selected based on travel ease, species availability, and travel cost.

1.Varirata National Park 

Varirata National Park, located about 30 kilometres from the capital city of Port Moresby, is a must-see for any nature lover. In the park, you will almost always see a displayed Reggiana bird of Paradies, Papua New Guinea’s national bird.

Location Varirata National Park, Port Moresby.
Bird of Paradise
Raggiana Bird of Paradise, Manucodes etc
Bird Site
Birding trails
How to reach?
Arrive at the Jackson International Aiport, Port Moresby. Varirata national park is 30 Km away from teh city.
Where to stay?
Local birding guide
Tour company

2. Enge Province (Kumul Lodge) 

The legendary Kumul lodge in Enga Province (accessible by flying from Port Moresby to Mt. Hagen, then taking a road trip to the Kumul lodge) is likely the only place on the planet where you can see many species of Birds of Paradise at a feeding table. The mystical Bluebird of Paradise, Lesser Bird of Paradise, Astrapia, King of Saxony Bird of Paradise, and a few other species can be found in this area.

Location Enge Province (Kumul Lodge)
Bird of Paradise
Blue Bird of Paradise, Lesser Bird of Paradise, King of Saxony Bird of Paradise, Brown Sicklebill, Ribbon-tailed Astrapia etc.
Bird site
Birding trails, Feeding table
How to reach?
A one-hour flight from Port Moresby to Mt. Hagen. By road to the Kumul lodge.
Where to stay?
Local birding guide
Tour company

3. Tabubil, Kiunga and Fly River 

Tabubil and Kiunga have their own list of bird of paradise species, including many lowland birds of paradise species you may have missed in West Papua. This is an excellent habitat for the Greater birds of Paradise and Hybrid species. Though they are not members of the elite Bird of Paradise family, you should go to see the flame Flame Bower Bird displaying, another jewel of the Papuan forests.

Location Tabubil, Kiunga, Fly River
Bird of Paradise
Superb Bird of Paradise, 12-wired Bird of Paradise, King Bird of Paradise, Greater Bird of Paradise, Glossy Manucode etc.
Bird site
Birding trails, Hides
How to reach?
Fly in from Port Moserby or Mt Hagen
Where to stay?
Tabubil (Cloud Hotel) Kiunga (Kiunga Guest House)
Local birding guide
Tour company


Australia is home to four birds of paradise, including the endemic Victoria rifle bird. They are not difficult to find if a local guide accompanies you.

Recommended Contact: Laurie Ross

Best Wildlife Locations in Papua New Guinea – Watch this Video!