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Spot-bellied Eagle Owl: The Ghost Of Thattekakd Forests

Photo of Spot-bellied Eagle Own from Thattekkad

Ghost Of Thattekkad Forest: Tracking Down A Spot-Bellied Eagle Owl As the phone rang, I knew that adventure was calling. It was nearly 5 p.m. and on the other end of the line was Dhanish Thankachan, my favourite guide for birding in India. He had some exciting news for me; he had found a spot-bellied […]

Curious Life Of Maleo Birds

A photo of Maleo bird digging pits on sand to lay eggs.

Maleo Birds of Sulawesi, Indonesia  Birds lay eggs and brood over them until they hatch. That is a common fact. However, Maleo, an endemic bird to Indonesia’s Sulawesi Island, is a startling exception to this rule. Instead, they bury their eggs in the sand and abandon them. The facts about this megapode are perplexing. Years […]

How To Travel To The Nicobar Islands For Birdwatching?

blog cover showin a Nicobar pigeon sitting on a beach in Nicobar

Only a few places on the planet are still inaccessible to serious birders. Greater Nicobar, an Indian Ocean island located more than 2,000 kilometres from the mainland, is one such location. Despite the title “Nicobar,” most birding and eco-tourism itineraries and advertisements on the internet only cover the Andaman Islands. This is primarily because the […]

Searching for Philippine Eagle in Mindanao, Philippines

Majestic Photo of a Philippine Eagle

Philippine Eagle of Mindanao  Mindanao is not for everyone. Since the 1960s, the island has had a long history of armed resistance against the Philippine government, which is still lingering. However, the Christian-majority country views the increasing Islamic state’s influence in some parts of the island as a more severe threat, hence numerous military interventions […]

“David Attenborough” Moment: Bird Watching In Papua New Guinea.

Photo of Displaying Raggiana Bird of Paradise

Sir David Attenborough and Birds of Paradises  I believe that the birds of paradise are the most romantic and glamorous birds in the world. Sir David Attenborough, the world’s most famous and influential naturalist, made a similar statement while filming the acclaimed documentary ‘Birds-of-Paradise.’ The film was first released more than 25 years ago, and […]

Blood Pheasant – Bird Watching In Bhutan.

Photo of a male Blood pheasant

It happens to birders all the time. Sometimes, a bird that everyone quickly sees can remain dipped for you for an extended period. For me, the Blood Pheasant was that bird. By the time I found this stout male in Bhutan in 2017, I had been looking for it in various parts of the Himalayas […]

A Practical Checklist of Birds of South India (Free Download)

Cover Photo of South India Bird Check List

South India is the most important birding zone in the Indian subcontinent, with 35 highly sought-after endemics. Besides great endemics, South India is home to many near endemics shared only with neighbouring Sri Lanka. South India is very different from north India in terms of climate, rainfall, vegetation, etc.   Click here to DOWNLOAD a […]

Where To Go To See Birds Of Paradise In The World?

A poster showing magnificent bird of paradise

Birds of paradise comprise a family of 44 species found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. This article provides concise information on where to see them and how to find local guides and lodging to meet your travel objectives. According to Sir David Attenborough, Birds of Paradise are the most romantic and glamorous birds […]

Where to Go To See Birds In India I Indian Pitta Trail

Photograph of an Indian Pitta

The Indian Pitta is a rare and colorful bird species found in India. It breeds in the foothills of the Himalayas and migrates to southern India and Sri Lanka during winter. In the past, people used to hunt these birds using crude bird snares for food and feathers, but hunting and bird trapping are now […]

Rare Bird of Sumatra

Beautiful Image of a male Schneiders Pitta

Our expedition to see Schneider’s Pitta was an adventure of a lifetime. The bird, once considered extinct, can only be seen in Kerinchi National Park on Sumatra Island, Indonesia. Mount Kerinchi, an active volcano, loomed in the distance, spewing sulphur fumes into the air as we made our way down the winding road towards our […]